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Effect of Mixture of Ethanol-Methanol as a Working Fluid on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Thermosyphon

Author : Vikram D. Ghadage, Sachin V. Mutalikdesai

Pages : 441-445, DOi:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/22774106/spl.5.6.2016.82
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Thermosyphons are wickless heat pipes and its importance towards cooling of high heat dissipating electronics and thermal industrial applications. The effect of mixture of ethanol-methanol as a binary working fluid on thermosyphon performance is being presented in this paper. The thermosyphon has main three components, an evaporator with a boiling increment structure, adiabatic section at the middle and condenser. Experiment has been done to assess the effects of binary fluid mixture and inclination on the performance of the thermosyphon. The selected thermosyphon has one inch (25.4) mm diameter and 500 mm length ( have 200 mm evaporator, 100 mm adiabatic and 200 mm condenser section) designed to dissipate 120 watt heat from the application. The working fluid will be ethanol – methanol mixture in 50-50%, 60-40%, 70 -30 % like by volume and filled by 60% of evaporator section. The method tested by applying heat load to the thermosyphon by two band heater of 60 watt capacity as per application and the condenser section is cooled by water jacket with submerged water pump and flow control valve arrangement. The testing of the thermosyphon has done at inclination of 0°, 30° and 60° with respective vertical axis to study the effect on heat transfer ability of the system. It found the outcome from the experimental trial is that ethanol-methanol (60-40) % mixture proportion of binary fluid gives better performance of thermosyphon at angle inclination of 30°at 1.087E-05 kg/s of cooling water flow rate than other.

Keywords: Thermosyphon Performance, Binary Fluid, Mixture Proportion, Angle Inclination, Heat Transfer

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