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Structural and Optical Properties of Co1-xZnxFe2O4 Synthesis by Sol-Gel Auto Combustion Method

Author : Inaam M. Abdulmajeed and Lana Salar. Khalil

Pages : 976-981
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In the present work the Cobalt-zinc ferrite (Co1-xZnxFe2O4) with x= 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1, were synthesized using sol-gel auto combustion method. The prepared powder showed the crystalline with a cubic spinel phase formation when examined using the X-ray diffraction (XRD) method. The particulate size, lattice parameters and X-ray density were measured for prepared samples. The Results showed that the particle size increased from (1.0) nm by increasing the Zn concentration until it reaches (2.1) nm. The lattice constant increased from (8.32071) to (8.43802) ˚A by increasing Zn+2 concentration, while the X-ray density decreased from (4.67412) to (4.63925) g/cm3 during increasing of the Zn to the value (x=0.25), also decreased from (5.34513) to (5.30546) g/cm3 by increasing zinc ion concentration to value at (x=0.75). The microstructure of the samples was studied using the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Homogeneous distribution of sphere grains for ZnFe2O4.Whiskers and spheres were homogenously distributed the grain morphology changed from sphere granular to whiskers with increasing Co+2 content. The optical measurements showed that the (Co1-xZnxFe2O4) thin films have direct energy gap Egopt that increases from (2.43-2.7) with the increase of Zn concentration.

Keywords: Co-Zn ferrites; sol gel auto combustion; XRD, SEM, optical properties

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.3 (June-2016)


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