The Study of Hospital Waste Recycling Process
Pages : 830-833
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The main objective of the study was to analyze the hospital waste recycling process, their consequences, benefits, related problems etc. For completing the study 15 hospitals of Sirsa city was taken under consideration and analysis was done from April 2015 to Oct. 2015. In India like country where there is an extensive need for improving the health care facilities, there hospital waste recycling will be boon for the country. The benefits of a successful hospital recycling program can be across the board, providing a means to reduce operational costs, enhance community relations, increase worker safety and on some occasions, generate revenue. Health care facilities are the biggest and largest institutions/organizations in many communities, minimizing the amount of waste that is rerouted for beneficial use can have a significant and measurable impact. The study shows that instead of disposing of waste if they are recycled then it will be more beneficial as hospitals generate a lot of solid waste.
Keywords: Hospital waste recycling process, benefits, related problems
Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.3 (June-2016)