Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Analysis and Security Implementation through Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Pages : 498-502
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In this paper many technical terms about internet of things (IoT) have been discussed. Basically this paper deals with the concept of interconnection among billions of electronic devices through internet. As we know that internet is a network among different computer through worldwide. But, we can’t see IoT only in terms of communication of electronic devices but also a way by which we can improve the ideology of human being. This paper consists of four sections A, B, C and D respectively. Section A discusses about evolution of IoT, visionary approach of IoT, environmental considerations. While section B discusses about elements of IoT (WSN, RFID, and WLAN), IPv6 and some security concerns. Similarly Section C discusses about DIKW chain regarding IoT, implementation of IoT via WSN and some application of IoT. And Section D is fully dedicated to the security point of view of IoT. In this section we recommend the use of Elliptic Curve Cryptographic technique for security of communicating objects. Finally, this paper concludes with an opinion that how IoT will change the way of communication and how can we secure our IoT Infrastructure.
Keywords: WSN, RFID, NFC, IPv6, IoT. ECC, ECDLP, Scalar Multiplication.
Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.2 (April-2016)