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Towards a New Methodology for Setting Vibration Thresholds

Author : Semma El Mehdi, Mousrij Ahmed and Gziri Hassan

Pages : 3811-3818
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The setting of alarm thresholds and breakdowns is a key point in the implementation of monitoring and vibration diagnosis. So, after the choice of monitoring indicators, it is required to determine the thresholds to use in monitoring rotating machinery. In fact, any significant overrun of the measured value to the reference thresholds must lead immediately to trigger a diagnostic procedure. In most cases, the maintenance technician refers to the international standards to set these thresholds. However, the use of these standards can lead to error, because the proposed criteria do not take into account the nature of the defects. Therefore, it is difficult from the thresholds of these norms to trigger an intervention on the machine, modify the measurement period or to bring detailed monitoring. This paper aims on the one hand to present the different norms in vibration and their main gaps and on the other to propose a process for monitoring and fixing the vibration monitoring thresholds.

Keywords: Vibration Analyses, Industrial Maintenance, Rotating Machinery, Vibration Thresholds, Norms, Vibration Diagnosis.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.6 (Dec-2015)


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